Utku Onur Şahin

I'm a passionate software developer with a strong background in full-stack web development. I love building scalable and user-friendly applications that solve real-world problems. I'm confident in concepts like state management, component lifecycle, RESTful APIs, OOP, MVC Architecture and design patterns.

Fullstack Development Intern

TUBITAK BILGEM YTE | 2024-08 - 2024-09

  • Worked with a team of nine people to build a personnel management system for the TÜBİTAK.
  • Completed tasks, such as implementing Spring Security, creating database entities, queries and services according to project requirements, designing frontend component infrastructures, and much more.
  • Adhered to clean code standards, making the codebase more readable and maintainable. Gained a sustainability-focused mindset for long-term project management.
  • Used Spring Framework, Next.js, and PostgreSQL as the full-stack technologies. Additionally, utilized Jira to track and manage issues and BitBucket as the project’s version control system.

Application Security Intern

BEAM Teknoloji A.Ş. | 2023-06 - 2023-09

  • Led a three-person project team and took responsibility for development of a honeypot manager application.
  • Developed brute force, path traversal, phishing email, web scraper detect and web cloner honeypots.
  • Developed API endpoints and related user interfaces for setting up and managing honeypots and reports, listing suspicious activities, monitoring tracked data on the dashboard through charts using Angular, Spring Framework and MongoDB.


A personnel information management system for TUBITAK that allows users and admins to manage personnel information.


Honeypot management system that allows users to deploy and manage honeypots on their network and monitor the tracked data on the main app.


A realtime chat application that allows users to create and join chat rooms and chat with other users in real-time.


  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Angular
  • Tailwind CSS
  • SASS


  • Java
  • Spring Framework
  • Node.js


  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB

Soft Skills

  • Public Speaking
  • Event Organizing
  • Community Management